Special Educational Needs Information 

Parkview Nursery School is an Inclusive School and we welcome all children including those with Special Educational Needs and disabilities.

We cater for children with all kinds of Special Needs, currently we have children attending with Autism, Speech and Language delay, Global Developmental delay, Behavioural difficulties and a range of different Health Care needs. In the past we have also supported children with visual and hearing impairments and Cerebral Palsy.

The school is a single storey building with easy access, the open plan layout means there is plenty of space and there are no steps which aids access. The nursery is decorated in calm colours.

If you would like to speak to a member of staff about your child's needs please contact Mrs Sheila Barrett the Acting Headteacher on 01229 772840 or by e-mailing on


Please see our SEN policy which is available through the policies tab at the top of the page. This outlines our approach to identifying and supporting children who may have SEN and how we consult and involve parents in their child’s education. The policy also explains how children are assessed and their progress is reviewed.

A wide variety of approaches are used to support children with SEN depending on their individual needs. First and foremost we look at each child as an individual identifying their interests to try and engage them in learning opportunities. An Individual education plan is written for each child which identifies strategies, targets and teaching approaches to be used. Strategies may include:

  • Using visual prompts and timetables
  • Using PECS to support communication
  • Praise
  • Adapting language and questioning
  • Individual and small group work
  • Higher staffing levels
  • Appropriate resources

Several of our staff have many years’ experience in supporting children with SEND and training is a priority, to keep up to date with current thinking and best practice. 

We have close links with the Health Visitor and can make direct referrals to the Community Paediatrician, Audiology and Speech and Language Therapy. We welcome support and advice from these professionals to meet the needs of the children and include them in ‘Team around the Child’ meetings that we arrange with parents.

The other external professionals that we work closely with are the Early Years Specialist Advisory Teachers and Educational Psychologists who visit school to observe our practice and give advice.



Parkview Nursery School works closely with other providers to provide a smooth transition for all children including those with SEN.

Reception teachers receiving children from Parkview are invited to nursery to meet all the children and discuss their individual needs and progress with their Key Person. If a child has been identified as needing additional support an extra meeting is organised where any Learning Journeys and Individual Education Plans are shared. A transition plan is put in place which may include additional visits to the new school supported by staff from Parkview.

Any paperwork concerning a child’s SEN is passed on to the receiving school.

We offer a portage service to children in the term before they start at Parkview if their development is causing concern. These children are identified by the Health Visitor.


Evaluating our provision

The progress of children with SEND is tracked to ensure that they make good progress and staff constantly reflect on their practice and change their approach if needed. Individual Education Plans are frequently reviewed to ensure that our provision is enabling the children to make rapid progress.


Local Offer

The local authority have a 'Local Offer' website where they share information for families on services and support for children with SEND. Please follow the link below to access this site.



Information on our Inclusive Practice and plans to provide for all children is also available in our Access Plan and our policy for Equality of opportunity. These are also available via the policies tab.


Please see our School's SEN Information Report attached.

Here is the link to our Safeguarding policy :http://cms.barrowwebdesign.co.uk/temporary_uploads/291073/Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 2023.docx

Cumberland SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SEND IASS)

Offering Free Impartial Information, Advice and Support
To families with children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).


You will also find a wealth of information for parents and families at https://contact.org.uk/help-for-families/workshops-and-events/

Parkview Aims:

  • To ensure all children are given equal opportunity to achieve their full potential through an education based on their individual needs
  • To scaffold and inspire children's learning with careful consideration given to their interests nurturing them in all areas of learning
  • To provide each and every child with a joyful, stimulating environment which includes rich outdoor learning
  • To celebrate each individual’s achievements through praise each and every day
  • To encourage each individual at Parkview to care for their community and environment


Parkview Values:

  • Happiness and Wellbeing – promoting a kind, positive and respectful environment
  • Health and Self-worth – promoting a healthy, mindful attitude towards life for children and families
  • Nurture - promoting a caring, considerate environment that supports our families
  • Environment – promoting curiosity, awe and wonder at the world through stimulating, challenging activities and resources


Parkview Vision:

We have a clear vision of what we want to achieve at Parkview Nursery School:

  • To provide a welcoming, nurturing environment in which children feel safe to take risks
  • To create an environment in which our children, families and staff feel respected and listened to
  • To help all children to prepare for a bright future

Parkview Nursery School – ‘Inspiring young hearts, bodies and minds’.


Opening times

8.45 to 3.30 Monday to Friday (term time only)