Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

Parkview Nursery School is committed to supporting all children to achieve their full potential regardless of their background. Our school aims of enriching every child’s learning and experiences to create confident, capable and independent learners sum up our vision for all children.

Research has shown that children who come from households with lower incomes are more likely to make less progress. To enable the school to improve outcomes for these children we receive a small amount of additional funding per disadvantaged pupil, this is known as the Early Years Pupil Premium.

This document illustrates how the EYPP allocation was used last year and our strategy for the current year.


Early Years Pupil Premium Expenditure and Impact 2023 -2024

Number of children and EYPP received

Total Children on roll in July 2024


Total Number of pupils eligible for EYPP in July 2024


Amount of EYPP received for year 2023 - 2024


How funding was spent   

Free school meals/snacks

Funded school trips

Extra staff hours for the implemenation of small group times focussed on Communication and language


To carry forward







Impact of funding 

The children’s progress was used to measure the impact of the funding by looking at the numbers of children at or above ARE for the Prime Areas of Learning 


ARE = Age related expectations




on entry

on exit

Personal, Social & Emotional Development



Communication & Language



Physical Development



Progress from starting points

Overall progress

10/14 children met Age Related Expectations











Early Years Pupil Premium strategy 2024-25

Early Years Pupil Premium Allocation for 2024-25

EYPP funding is allocated to the school termly following the information provided by parents to the school being checked by the Local Authority for eligibility.  Funding amounts are usually confirmed about half way through each term.

 Based on the number of children submitted for eligibility a best estimate would be £3580.


Barriers to Educational Achievement

High quality early years provision with a strong focus on the Prime Areas of Learning is crucial for all pupils but particularly those who have experienced disadvantage in early life.  We will use the funding to support disadvantaged pupils to make good progress whatever their starting points.  This includes more able children who are entitled to EYPP. 

At Parkview Nurery School, we consider on an individual basis what children's barriers to learning are and plan to support them accordingly.

Common barriers which have been identified are:

  • Lack of support at home due to time and available resources
  • Behavioural and emotional issues
  • Communication and language difficulties
  • Low confidence and self-esteem
  • Turbulent or changing family circumstances


How we plan to spend our EYPP

This year we plan to spend the EYPP funding on:

  • Running small group times for identified children which will give children the opportunity to learn in a smaller group focusing on building children’s confidence and social development and Communication development
  • Provide eligible children who attend nursery all day with a free school meal and fee snacks.
  • Work in partnership with Millom Children’s Centre to enable parents to attend the Solihull Parenting Program and access individual family support when needed.
  • Implement Early Help when needed, attend ‘Team around the Family’ meetings and follow through any actions identified
  • Provide opportunities to go on a range of educational visits

Measuring the impact

We will monitor the impact of this strategy by ensuring that all pupils eligible for EYPP are clearly identified in our progress tracking system and monitor their achievements as a group compared to other entitled children attending the other nursery schools in Cumbria.

Key Persons are also made aware of which children in their group are eligible to EYPP to enable them to monitor their progress closely


We will review this strategy in July 2025


Parkview Aims:

  • To ensure all children are given equal opportunity to achieve their full potential through an education based on their individual needs
  • To scaffold and inspire children's learning with careful consideration given to their interests nurturing them in all areas of learning
  • To provide each and every child with a joyful, stimulating environment which includes rich outdoor learning
  • To celebrate each individual’s achievements through praise each and every day
  • To encourage each individual at Parkview to care for their community and environment


Parkview Values:

  • Happiness and Wellbeing – promoting a kind, positive and respectful environment
  • Health and Self-worth – promoting a healthy, mindful attitude towards life for children and families
  • Nurture - promoting a caring, considerate environment that supports our families
  • Environment – promoting curiosity, awe and wonder at the world through stimulating, challenging activities and resources


Parkview Vision:

We have a clear vision of what we want to achieve at Parkview Nursery School:

  • To provide a welcoming, nurturing environment in which children feel safe to take risks
  • To create an environment in which our children, families and staff feel respected and listened to
  • To help all children to prepare for a bright future

Parkview Nursery School – ‘Inspiring young hearts, bodies and minds’.


Opening times

8.45 to 3.30 Monday to Friday (term time only)