Collaborative Working

Cumbria Maintained Nursery Schools

There are four Maintained Nursery Schools across Cumbria who have all worked collaboratively together for many years to strengthen the provision for young children across the county.

As a cluster we meet regularly with the aim to:

  • To identify and share expertise, strengths and resources to improve provision and raise educational standards.
  • Share and develop national 'best practice' in Early Years education.
  • To devise collaborative projects that impact upon pupils’ learning.
  • Join together to provide high quality training opportunities for our staff.
  • Celebrate and communicate the unique experiences that nursery schools provide for young children.
  • Support other settings outside the cluster by sharing good practice, hosting staff & facilitating joint development.

Parkview Nursery School works closely with Cleator Moor Nursery School and Frizington Nursery School (Cumberland Maintained Nursery Schools). We meet half termly with the specific aim of supporting each other with school improvement.

Millom Partnership of Schools

Working together to enhance the life chances of our pupils

Parkview Nursery School is part of the Millom cluster of schools. The purpose of this cluster group is to work together to facilitate the highest outcomes and aspirations for our pupils, parents, staff and wider communities. 

Millom Partnership Aims:

  • To identify and share expertise, strengths and resources to improve provision and raise educational standards.
  • To develop mutual trust, respect and understanding of the work and contribution of each individual school to the experience of our learners.
  • To promote collaboration amongst all staff and learners across the cluster schools.
  • To provide support to individual head teachers and develop leadership across the cluster.
  • To ensure effective communication of local information to parents and provide support for families in need.
  • To take advantage of opportunities to achieve ‘best value for money’ when sourcing supplies and services.
  • To devise collaborative projects that impact upon pupils’ learning and give them opportunities to meet before transition to the next stage of their education.
  • To increase the opportunities to extend and enrich the school curriculum.


Who we are:

The Millom cluster consists of 10 schools within Millom and the surrounding areas.


What we do:

Head teachers of cluster schools meet every half term with a thorough and diverse agenda. On occasions, this includes visiting speakers who contribute to the support and improvement process.


Early Years Cluster Meetings

The Early Years Cluster Meetings are organised and led by Parkview Nursery School and is made up of all Early Years providers in the area both Private, Voluntary and Maintained Schools.

We meet termly in each other’s settings to share good practice and current issues. Each meeting has a focus and sometimes external speakers are invited to provide additional input.


Health Visitors

Here at Parkview, we work very closely with our local Health Vistors to support our children and families. It is vital that our families know that the Health Visitors offer a great package of support up until Reception class and we often signpost families to these services.


Parkview Aims:

  • To ensure all children are given equal opportunity to achieve their full potential through an education based on their individual needs
  • To scaffold and inspire children's learning with careful consideration given to their interests nurturing them in all areas of learning
  • To provide each and every child with a joyful, stimulating environment which includes rich outdoor learning
  • To celebrate each individual’s achievements through praise each and every day
  • To encourage each individual at Parkview to care for their community and environment


Parkview Values:

  • Happiness and Wellbeing – promoting a kind, positive and respectful environment
  • Health and Self-worth – promoting a healthy, mindful attitude towards life for children and families
  • Nurture - promoting a caring, considerate environment that supports our families
  • Environment – promoting curiosity, awe and wonder at the world through stimulating, challenging activities and resources


Parkview Vision:

We have a clear vision of what we want to achieve at Parkview Nursery School:

  • To provide a welcoming, nurturing environment in which children feel safe to take risks
  • To create an environment in which our children, families and staff feel respected and listened to
  • To help all children to prepare for a bright future

Parkview Nursery School – ‘Inspiring young hearts, bodies and minds’.


Opening times

8.45 to 3.30 Monday to Friday (term time only)